What was I thinking?

Why am I here today, doing what I am doing? For whom?

Why did I create Ubuntu?

Did I feel I needed to prove something?

Yes. In fact, I did. I want to prove to the world that humanity still has the power to create and affect change. That humanity and the human connection need healing and evolving if we want to change how the world works and the path we are all going down.

I do not have major certifications. And I cannot boast the multiple years of experience in the travel sector.

But I do have years of experience being a human being. I have felt multiple emotions, moods, insecurities, and complexities. And from these, I continue to evolve. I do not want to preach as much as I want to make you aware. I do not want to influence and condition as much as I just want to show different perspectives and ways of interpretation.

Yes, I do want to create business and therefore money. In this reality, money is an energy we need to survive. But I want to also create a reality where we don’t need to constantly prove ourselves, where we don’t need to separate ourselves from another, or from nature or the planet. I work towards a reality where we are all part of the same faery dust.

This is where Ubuntu comes from. From a deep love for the world and an acceptance of all that it comes with. From a deep passion for creating change together, not imposing it.

If we all experience the world slowly, deeply, and intentionally,  I believe there is a lot it can help us achieve, together.

If you would like me to help you experience the world this way connect@theubuntu.life